Peter Chan
Founder and Managing Director

Mr Peter Chan is the founder and chief trainer of TreeholeHK, a social enterprise aimed to promote positive psychology and mindfulness application for wellbeing in Hong Kong. He has conducted over 100 public courses about stress management, mindfulness and psychology. Topics cover from the use of mindfulness in daily life to psychology in persuasion and in business settings.
He is a TEDxCUHK speaker and has been invited to corporates, NGOs and academic institutes to give sharing or conduct training in mindfulness, positive psychology, management strategies, growth mindset, and more. Peter is passionate about integrating psychology knowledge with practical use in the business world. He can translate academic theories via easy-to-understand examples. Alongside, Peter also has extensive experience in practising mindfulness. He has been involved in corporate training programs on team building, practising mindfulness to enhance productivity and positive psychology for team success in different organisations.
Highlighted Experience of Peter Chan, the founder of TreeholeHK
Five years of mindfulness practice and training experience, designed and delivered the Mindfulness Foundational Course™
Author of best-selling mindfulness book “Mental Training: Mindfulness as an Evidence-Based Means of Remastering your Brain” 《心志訓練——以靜觀學習掌控腦袋的實證訓練法》
Columnist on business psychology with media partners including Hong Kong Economic Times, HSBC VisionGo, BusinessFocus and other media
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology, First Class Honour) from the University of Hong Kong. Additional academic training from the University of Oxford and National University of Singapore