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About Gain Miles





MPF, pension, actuarial and investment boutique trusted by the Hong Kong business community for 40 years

Our Understanding of your Needs

At Gain Miles, we help employers to optimize their spending on MPF and employee benefits.


Our services includes:

  • Pension

  • Actuarial and investment

  • Employee benefits

  • Corporate risk management

  • Individual financial planning


Actuarial and Investment Team:

With an analytic mind and profession, we provide research support and analysis to our clients to make the best-informed decisions.


Consultant Team:

With profession and care, our people bring out the best of Gain Miles to our clients and their employees.


Employee Services Team:

  • Experienced team

  • Multi-channel communications

  • Retirement planning tools

Let our team guide you through how to make retirement life better for your employees - Speak to us today!

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