Brian Ching
Actuarial Consultant
Gain Miles Group
Brian Ching joined Gain Miles as the Senior Consultant offering various consulting, research, and advisory capability to their clients. Brian established and led the GM Actuarial & Investment teams with excellence in data analytics, investment and actuarial analysis. The team drives various comprehensive researches and studies to help our clients to make informed decision on their MPF management and employee benefits program.
Brian has more than 7 years of actuarial, investment and employee benefits consulting experience in the industry. Before joining Gain Miles, Brian worked at Mercer Regional and Hong Kong Benefits Consulting team to serve and manage multinational companies (MNCs) consulting projects.
Brian is an Associate of Society of Actuary (ASA). He graduated from Simon Fraser University (Canada) and is a holder of the Dean’s Honour of Actuarial Science with Minor in Business Administration.